Have you suffered impact damage to your property?
When you make a claim on an insurance policy, you are formally notifying the insurance company that you have suffered a loss or damage that you believe is covered by the policy and you are requesting action. The insurer will review your claim and see if the event or circumstances are risks covered by the policy. You will need to
proof it is a genuine claim and the insurer will need to be certain the claim satisfies the terms and conditions of your insurance policy. If your claim is accepted, the replacement or repair of your property or any payment by the insurer is called the benefit or payout.
Impact damage is exactly as it sounds, when something impacts your property and causes damage. The two main causes are from vehicles colliding with your property or heavy machinery, for example diggers, hitting your boundary wall. Impact damage can also be caused by objects falling off moving vehicles or by fallen trees/branches during storms.
Your insurer after you make a business impact damage claim let us oversee the claim so you can concentrate on your business and employees. We will attend all meetings with the insurance company or their appointed loss adjusters on your behalf to ensure you receive your full entitlement for all repair and restoration works. We will engage chartered surveyors and structural engineers working for you to ensure your property is returned to pre-incident. We can even engage contractors and oversee the works. We can save you the hassle and stress of an added burden you could do without. We will prepare, present and negotiate your claim for you whilst at the same time ensuring your working environment can operate as efficiently as possible.
Impact insurance claims it’s easy to believe that your property will never be subjected to impact damage; that it’s something that happens to other people. But in the worst case scenario, it’s good to know that a team of experienced, knowledgeable assessors are only a phone call away. As soon as you contact your claim, we will take the necessary steps to secure your property and carry out any emergency repairs. We’ll also manage your impact insurance claim from start to finish, leaving you free to carry on as normal, safe in the knowledge that your case is in expert hands.
Our current clients include sole traders and large firms with hundreds of employees. We get the best quotes because we work with more than 40 specialist insurers across ireland, uk & europe. We also have a team of qualified and experienced professionals as well as dedicated claims handlers.
You can consult an insurance broker (or ‘intermediary’) when searching for the policy that best meets your needs. Regulated by the central bank of ireland , the role of an insurance broker is to provide expert, impartial advice to individuals and businesses seeking to purchase insurance. They may also be employed to negotiate with insurance companies on behalf of their clients to get the best possible deal. You can search a database of registered insurance brokers throughout ireland.
The other half of advanced preparation is developing an action plan. You and your team should know exactly what to do when your business sustains property damage. Answer questions like who your team should contact when damage occurs. How will you address on-site clients? what immediate steps will you and your team take to ensure that you are prepared for an insurance claim? we recommend documenting what happened as soon as possible to avoid forgetting important details later.
We ensure that our clients have access to the best help and advice when it comes to submitting a water damage or flood insurance claim. Independent contractor network can recommend a fca regulated loss adjusting group who offer free expert help and guidance. We do this is to ensure that you receive your full insurance entitlement in the event of a flood or water damage. So, how much does this service cost? it costs nothing because we cover the cost of this service on your behalf. We offer this service for free when you use our nationwide repair network of qualified professionals.
Next steps for Impact Damage Claims
The most common impact damage incident involves destruction to domestic or commercial buildings, including houses and businesses such as factories warehouses offices or their contents by a third party or the insureds own vehicle. Impact damage caused by forklift trucks within and around commercial premises is also not uncommon. Impact damage insurance claims to buildings can range from superficial cracking to complete or partial demolition of the structure. Dependent on the circumstances a recovery of the ultimate outlay can be purued against responsible third parties. Impact damage from a forklift truck inside a building can be widespread, and if racking and shelving containing valuable stock is demolished or disturbed the resultant insurance claim can be extensive.
Oakleafe are the only experts there to look after your interests, negotiating settlements with the loss adjuster to get you what you're entitled to. We push insurers to accept liability, and ensure that you are treated fairly and promptly. All our experienced loss assessors are part of the award winning service we pride ourselves on , offering unparalleled assistance in householder impact damage claims. Many of our assessors are building experts who have enormous experience with the problems faced with impact claims. We will make a real difference on the settlement you receive. You may be a good negotiator but are you an expert in insurance? let us handle the stress and irritation of negotiating your claim, allowing you to concentrate on looking after your family.
Impact damage to your property, whatever the cause, can be costly to repair and a very distressing process. The main priority is to ensure the premises is safe and secure. Once this is achieved an assessor direct claim consultant has the expertise and experiences to assess the damaged caused to your property and manage your claim to ensure your life is returned to normal as quickly as possible. We have been dealing with impact claims for over 35 years and have supported families through circumstances just like yours. We understand your immediate concerns and the problems facing you. Assessor direct will appoint a senior claim consultant to your claim to ensure you achieve the maximum settlement you are entitled to under your policy.
Making an impact damage insurance claim? ic assist provide a complete restoration service. Impact damage claims are more common than you might think. Unfortunately, accidents do happen and impacts can occur due to a number of different reasons. For instance, trees can come crashing down damaging your building during a storm. However, the most common type of impact damage repair claims we manage arise as a result of vehicles boundary walls or pillars. We managed an interesting claim where an operator of a jcb mini digger accidentally swung around, knocking down our customers boundary wall! we’ve also managed more substantial claims as a result of vehicles colliding with the front of properties.
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What is impact damage insurance?
Insurance companies have argued that the risk of personal injury is linked to the vehicle’s external damage. For example, an insurance claims handler might reject a person’s personal injury claim. This can be on the basis that there was a low-speed impact and the material damage to the car is small. As solicitors we often receive defences from defendants pleading a “minimum impact” defence. These types of defences are becoming more and more common. However the reality is that in low speed rear-end crashes there are a number of injury-producing variables. When comparing injury and causation it is important for any doctor reviewing the injured party to remember that there is no “typical human” in a crash environment.
Suffering fire damage to your home is one of the worst nightmares for any homeowner. Watching your house and possessions engulfed in flames is a traumatic experience. Many homeowners are so focused on what damage the fire has caused that they don’t even think about the implications of smoke damage. Smoke damage often appears insignificant next to fire damage. However, it can have a significant impact on your fire damage insurance claim.
If you are unlucky to experience an impact damage incident, your business will be seriously disrupted. Damage to the building and stock can be significant. In these circumstances, the welfare of your staff and the security of your premises will be your primary concern. Often insurance companies are slow to react and provide the support you need.
From vehicles hitting a building to a falling tree, impact damage is common. Your property’s structural integrity can be significantly compromised and the damage is often difficult to identify & repair. Securing the property after such an incident is our priority. Our nationwide contractor network will provide both emergency mitigation works to ensure that your damaged property is made safe and the resultant reinstatement services. In conjunction with professionals such as structural engineers, chartered surveyors and architects, we will ensure that your property is promptly returned to its pre-impact condition. We are a specialist insurance repair contractor network who has significant experience with this type of damage to help you with your impact insurance claims.
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